"Worlds largest exhibition of
teddy bear show in Chinese speaking countries”
Taiwan Teddy Bear Association host the show within " International Teddy & Friends Show" has become the Worlds largest international exhibition of professional Teddy Bear and Animals artists in Chinese speaking countries. It has helped, through teddy bear workshops, lectures, to promote the awareness of the teddy bear world. Through this, today, we have many outstanding , award winning, local artists.

"Creating a new Asian Artist Platform connecting to the world”
Taiwan Teddy Bear Association, will continue with its promoting and development of offering hand sewn workshops.
International artists will be invited to teach and share their knowledge of bear/animal construction.
We will be encouraging and having more International artists exhibiting at our shows, forming new relationships
and share the love of creating our special friend - "A Teddy Bear" !
★時間 : 2025年11月9日(日)上午11點-下午5點
★展會地點 : 台北富邦國際會議中心B2 (台北市大安區敦化南路1段108號)