About Information Accommodation Map D.I.Y Table Allotment Workshop Contact Info.
Local and international creators, artists, college/university professors and students in design major, students in all grades, freelance creators, studios, and design companies are all welcome to sign up for the exhibition.
Application (2-in-1 Show)
2019 Int'l Teddy & Friends Show Entry information is now available at TWTBA web site, www.twtba.org.tw. We are now accepting submissions. Please read all rules and conditions and submit all forms to participate in this event. (All Entries must be received by 31st AUGUST, 2019)
Entry Fee |
Price |
Regular (till 31st AUGUST 2019) |
Early Bird (till 31st MAY 2019) |
Member of TWTBA |
Taiwan Int'l Teddy Bear Show |
USD130 |
Taiwan Int'l Teddy Bear Show |
USD85 |
Beijing Teddy & Friends Show |
USD130 |
Beijing Teddy & Friends Show |
USD85 |
Both shows |
USD200 |
Both shows |
USD155 |
General |
Taiwan Int'l Teddy Bear Show |
USD165 |
Taiwan Int'l Teddy Bear Show |
USD120 |
Beijing Teddy & Friends Show |
USD165 |
Beijing Teddy & Friends Show |
USD120 |
Both shows |
USD235 |
Both shows |
USD185 |
Registration |
Fill out the Registration Form【Appendix1】or
Deadline |
31st AUGUST , 2019 |
How to Turn in Registration Form |
Payment |
★Payment by PayPal: yz@bear-garden.com.tw |
Notice |
3rd NOV@Taipei
Timetable |
09:30-10:45 |
Exhibitors Check-In |
11:00 |
Opening Ceremony / Bearly Hour entry (Taipei Exclusive event) |
12:00 |
Open for every visitors |
15:30-16:00 |
Professional Teddy Bear Making Demonstration |
16:30-17:00 |
Charity Lottery |
17:00 |
Closing Ceremony |
17:00-18:00 |
Exhibitors Check-out |
9th NOV@Beijing
Timetable |
09:30-10:45 |
Exhibitors Check-In |
11:00 |
Opening Ceremony / Bearly Hour entry (Beijing Exclusive event) |
12:00 |
Open for every visitors |
15:30-16:00 |
Professional Teddy Bear Making Demonstration |
16:00 |
Closing Ceremony |
16:00-17:00 |
Exhibitors Check-out |
Venue Regulation(Attention)
- 1. Fire, dust, water smoke and other hazards to public safety or environmental health equipment are strictly prohibited.
- 2. No littering.
- 3. No electricity wiring.
- The organizer reserves the right to change the date and location of the exhibition. If the date or place is changed due to natural disasters or other force majeure, the expenses incurred by the organizer will not be refunded and shall not be liable for any loss or damage of whatsoever cause and howsoever arising in the event of a rescheduling.
- The organizer reserves the rights to modify the exhibition configuration based on the capacity.
- If exhibitors are not willing to let visitors take photography or film their exhibits or their booth, exhibitors shall prepare a sign indicating “no photography” or “no filming” in both Chinese and English. The organizer reserves the right to take photographs, films, videos, or other recordings of exhibitors’ booths, their representatives and their products, displayed at the event for the purposes of promoting the event and future events. Exhibitors shall cooperate with the organizers.
- In order to respect intellectual property rights, all performances, promotional materials, decorations, sound effects, films, pictures, videos, recordings and broadcasts and live streams perform or display during the event are subject to the consent of the creator and shall not violate the law, administrative order, or interfere public policy and morals, and shall not be at risk of personal health or safety of buildings. The organizer has no responsibility for any infringement of the rights and interests of others during the event. Other than the press release issued by the organizer, other statements do not represent the position of the organizer.
- In order to respect exhibitors’ intellectual property rights, recording, filming, photographing, or setting up equipment are not allowed during the event. Equipment setting up on the walkways that would obstruct the traffic flow and visitor safety is prohibited.
- In regards to Taipei one-day tour schedule, please check: https://funpass.travel.taipei/
- For traffic information, please refer to【Appendix 3】
- The organizer may revise or amend this general regulation at all times. Thank you for your cooperation. All rights are reserved by Taiwan Teddy Bear Association.
- By registering for Teddy & Friends Show event, you grant full permission to Taiwan Teddy Bear Association(TWTBA) to capture, store, use, and/or reproduce your image or likeness by any audio and/or visual recording technique and create derivative works of these images and recordings in any TWTBA media now known or later developed, for any legitimate TWTBA marketing or promotional purpose.