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EMI 倉儲事業部共經營台中港一號與三號碼頭及高雄七十一號及七十二號碼頭之四座現代化穀倉,其倉容設備量達33萬公噸,年營運量之市場佔有率維持在進口散裝穀物的90%以上,居產業領導者的地位。

EMI began as a grain silo company. At the start of the 1970s,grain imports were growing annually, but the old traditional way of unloading was time consuming and troublesome, often leading to port congestion and ship demurrage.For this, the regulatory authorities encouraged the private sector to invest in the construction of automated silo and deep-water berths to allow integration of the entire bulk grain transporation process. EMI for several decades has relied on steady effort and a down-to-earth corporate attitude to develop its wharf grain unloading and silo service business through great effort, and is the only port service company that owns bulk cargo unloading harbor terminal facilities in central and southern Taiwan.

EMI`s warehousing division currently operates four modernized grain silo: Wharf No.1 and 3 at Taichung Port and Wharf No.71 and 72 at Kaohsiung Port. The storage capacity of the four facilities is up to 330,000 metric tons, accounting for over 90% of imported bulk grain market share, and making it the industry leader.