◢時間 : 2025年11月9日(日)上午11點-下午5點)
*請勿隨地吐痰、亂丟垃圾 、賭博、玩牌、喧鬧、酗酒或追逐嬉戲等。
1. 當天現場提供每一攤位:長桌一張(長180公分x寬45公分)、椅子二張、垃圾袋、參展者攤位桌牌、參展者識別證。請自行佈置攤位且自備桌布,主辦單位不推薦任何裝潢承包商及任何展示設備或用品。
2. 參展作品或銷售商品請妥善保管,如有遺失,參展者需自行負責不得異議。
3. 參展中的交易為參展者及消費者之間的行為,如有糾紛,主辦單位將協助處理但無絕對責任。每攤位最多僅限參展者與助手兩人共四人,並須全程配戴識別證方得入內。
4. 主辦單位有權決定是否給予參展之資格。展售攤位配置表將於活動前一週公告於協會網站,如有更動,以協會網站公告為準,恕不另行通知。
5. 所有參展費用一經繳納,所繳納之參展費用充作本展覽會宣傳經費支出,不予退還。逾期未繳費之參展者,視同自動放棄參展。
6. 參展者所租攤位,概不得私自轉讓或以非報名時申請之攤位名稱(包括贊助廠商名稱)參加展出,亦不得一人報名多人參展,如有違反,主辦單位除立即收回轉讓之攤位,停止非報名廠商繼續展出。
7. 參展者所展示之產品,必須與本展主題相關產品,否則不得展出。參展者未經主辦單位授權,不得以主辦單位名義製作紀念品販售,一旦發生前述情事,主辦單位有權沒收前開所販售之所有商品,參展者不得異議。
8. 參展者之展售範圍僅限於各自攤位內,不得在攤位以外地區如公共設施、走道或牆柱陳列商品或張貼任何宣傳物品或公共區域分發型錄、出版品、紀念品等宣傳資料。如有違反,主辦單位得強制清除。
9. 攤位銷售金額方式及消費者權益,由參展者或廠商自負責任,與主辦單位無涉。本次展售會依外貿協會國內專業展覽一般規定行之。
★Venue Regulation(Attention)
☑1. Fire, dust, water smoke and other hazards to public safety or environmental health equipment are strictly prohibited.
☑2. No littering.
☑3. No electricity wiring.
☑The organizer reserves the right to change the date and location of the exhibition. If the date or place is changed due to natural disasters or other force majeure, the expenses incurred by the organizer will not be refunded and shall not be liable for any loss or damage of whatsoever cause and howsoever arising in the event of a rescheduling.
☑The organizer reserves the rights to modify the exhibition configuration based on the capacity.
☑If exhibitors are not willing to let visitors take photography or film their exhibits or their booth, exhibitors shall prepare a sign indicating “no photography” or “no filming” in both Chinese and English. The organizer reserves the right to take photographs, films, videos, or other recordings of exhibitors’ booths, their representatives and their products, displayed at the event for the purposes of promoting the event and future events. Exhibitors shall cooperate with the organizers.
☑In order to respect intellectual property rights, all performances, promotional materials, decorations, sound effects, films, pictures, videos, recordings and broadcasts and live streams perform or display during the event are subject to the consent of the creator and shall not violate the law, administrative order, or interfere public policy and morals, and shall not be at risk of personal health or safety of buildings. The organizer has no responsibility for any infringement of the rights and interests of others during the event. Other than the press release issued by the organizer, other statements do not represent the position of the organizer.
☑In order to respect exhibitors’ intellectual property rights, recording, filming, photographing, or setting up equipment are not allowed during the event. Equipment setting up on the walkways that would obstruct the traffic flow and visitor safety is prohibited.
☑In regards to Taipei one-day tour schedule, please check: https://funpass.travel.taipei/
※The organizer June revise or amend this general regulation at all times. Thank you for your cooperation. All rights are reserved by Taiwan Teddy Bear Association.
※By registering for Teddy & Friends Show event, you grant full permission to Taiwan Teddy Bear Association(TWTBA) to capture, store, use, and/or reproduce your image or likeness by any audio and/or visual recording technique and create derivative works of these images and recordings in any TWTBA media now known or later developed, for any legitimate TWTBA marketing or promotional purpose.
*For exhibitors ofInt’l Teddy & Friends Show you will get a table (L180cmxW45cm), two chairs, Brand nametag and identification card. Please bring your own table cloth. The organizer does not recommend or provide any decorations or equipment for display.
*Due to the regulation of the venue in Taipei, exhibitors must bring the identification card provided by TWTBA.
*Exhibitors shall be responsible for the security of their own personal objects and exhibits.
*All commercial transactions are between exhibitors and consumers. If there is a dispute, the organizer has absolutely no responsibility but will assist in dealing with the issue. All exhibitors are allowed to be accompanied by two assistants with valid identification card provided by TWTBA.
*The organizer reserves the right to decide exhibitors’ eligibility. The exhibition configuration map will be announced at TWTBA official website. The organizer reserves the right to make any modification without further notice.
*All the registration fees will be taken as the marketing expenses. The fees shall not be refunded once paid. Payment shall be done before the deadline, or it will be regarded as abandonment of participation.
*Exhibitors shall not transfer their booth/eligibility to other exhibitors or display other names (including sponsors) which is not shown in Registration Form. Exhibitors shall not sign up for multiple applicants in one Registration Form. If there is any violation, the organizer reserves the right to retrieve the exhibitor’s booth/eligibility at once.
*All exhibits displayed during the show must be related to the exhibition theme, otherwise they will not be allowed to display.
*Without authorization from organizer, exhibitors shall not sell or provide merchandise, souvenirs, or any kind of products under organizer’s name.
*Exhibitors’ display range is limited to their assigned booth, exhibitors shall not utilize any public spaces, such as public facilities, walkways or pillars, to display or put on any promotional materials, such as catalogs, publications, souvenirs, and so on. If there’s any violation, the organizer reserves the right to remove the exhibits or objects. The exhibition will be held in accordance with the general rules regulated by Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA.)
※The exhibition area planning will be flexibly adjusted according to the registration status.
※For natural disasters, please refer to the Taipei City Government announcement.
◢時間 : 2025年11月9日(日)上午11點-下午5點)
*請勿隨地吐痰、亂丟垃圾 、賭博、玩牌、喧鬧、酗酒或追逐嬉戲等。
1. 當天現場提供每一攤位:長桌一張(長180公分x寬45公分)、椅子二張、垃圾袋、參展者攤位桌牌、參展者識別證。請自行佈置攤位且自備桌布,主辦單位不推薦任何裝潢承包商及任何展示設備或用品。
2. 參展作品或銷售商品請妥善保管,如有遺失,參展者需自行負責不得異議。
3. 參展中的交易為參展者及消費者之間的行為,如有糾紛,主辦單位將協助處理但無絕對責任。每攤位最多僅限參展者與助手兩人共四人,並須全程配戴識別證方得入內。
4. 主辦單位有權決定是否給予參展之資格。展售攤位配置表將於活動前一週公告於協會網站,如有更動,以協會網站公告為準,恕不另行通知。
5. 所有參展費用一經繳納,所繳納之參展費用充作本展覽會宣傳經費支出,不予退還。逾期未繳費之參展者,視同自動放棄參展。
6. 參展者所租攤位,概不得私自轉讓或以非報名時申請之攤位名稱(包括贊助廠商名稱)參加展出,亦不得一人報名多人參展,如有違反,主辦單位除立即收回轉讓之攤位,停止非報名廠商繼續展出。
7. 參展者所展示之產品,必須與本展主題相關產品,否則不得展出。參展者未經主辦單位授權,不得以主辦單位名義製作紀念品販售,一旦發生前述情事,主辦單位有權沒收前開所販售之所有商品,參展者不得異議。
8. 參展者之展售範圍僅限於各自攤位內,不得在攤位以外地區如公共設施、走道或牆柱陳列商品或張貼任何宣傳物品或公共區域分發型錄、出版品、紀念品等宣傳資料。如有違反,主辦單位得強制清除。
9. 攤位銷售金額方式及消費者權益,由參展者或廠商自負責任,與主辦單位無涉。本次展售會依外貿協會國內專業展覽一般規定行之。

★Venue Regulation(Attention)
☑1. Fire, dust, water smoke and other hazards to public safety or environmental health equipment are strictly prohibited.
☑2. No littering.
☑3. No electricity wiring.
☑The organizer reserves the right to change the date and location of the exhibition. If the date or place is changed due to natural disasters or other force majeure, the expenses incurred by the organizer will not be refunded and shall not be liable for any loss or damage of whatsoever cause and howsoever arising in the event of a rescheduling.
☑The organizer reserves the rights to modify the exhibition configuration based on the capacity.
☑If exhibitors are not willing to let visitors take photography or film their exhibits or their booth, exhibitors shall prepare a sign indicating “no photography” or “no filming” in both Chinese and English. The organizer reserves the right to take photographs, films, videos, or other recordings of exhibitors’ booths, their representatives and their products, displayed at the event for the purposes of promoting the event and future events. Exhibitors shall cooperate with the organizers.
☑In order to respect intellectual property rights, all performances, promotional materials, decorations, sound effects, films, pictures, videos, recordings and broadcasts and live streams perform or display during the event are subject to the consent of the creator and shall not violate the law, administrative order, or interfere public policy and morals, and shall not be at risk of personal health or safety of buildings. The organizer has no responsibility for any infringement of the rights and interests of others during the event. Other than the press release issued by the organizer, other statements do not represent the position of the organizer.
☑In order to respect exhibitors’ intellectual property rights, recording, filming, photographing, or setting up equipment are not allowed during the event. Equipment setting up on the walkways that would obstruct the traffic flow and visitor safety is prohibited.
☑In regards to Taipei one-day tour schedule, please check: https://funpass.travel.taipei/
※The organizer June revise or amend this general regulation at all times. Thank you for your cooperation. All rights are reserved by Taiwan Teddy Bear Association.
※By registering for Teddy & Friends Show event, you grant full permission to Taiwan Teddy Bear Association(TWTBA) to capture, store, use, and/or reproduce your image or likeness by any audio and/or visual recording technique and create derivative works of these images and recordings in any TWTBA media now known or later developed, for any legitimate TWTBA marketing or promotional purpose.
*For exhibitors ofInt’l Teddy & Friends Show you will get a table (L180cmxW45cm), two chairs, Brand nametag and identification card. Please bring your own table cloth. The organizer does not recommend or provide any decorations or equipment for display.
*Due to the regulation of the venue in Taipei, exhibitors must bring the identification card provided by TWTBA.
*Exhibitors shall be responsible for the security of their own personal objects and exhibits.
*All commercial transactions are between exhibitors and consumers. If there is a dispute, the organizer has absolutely no responsibility but will assist in dealing with the issue. All exhibitors are allowed to be accompanied by two assistants with valid identification card provided by TWTBA.
*The organizer reserves the right to decide exhibitors’ eligibility. The exhibition configuration map will be announced at TWTBA official website. The organizer reserves the right to make any modification without further notice.
*All the registration fees will be taken as the marketing expenses. The fees shall not be refunded once paid. Payment shall be done before the deadline, or it will be regarded as abandonment of participation.
*Exhibitors shall not transfer their booth/eligibility to other exhibitors or display other names (including sponsors) which is not shown in Registration Form. Exhibitors shall not sign up for multiple applicants in one Registration Form. If there is any violation, the organizer reserves the right to retrieve the exhibitor’s booth/eligibility at once.
*All exhibits displayed during the show must be related to the exhibition theme, otherwise they will not be allowed to display.
*Without authorization from organizer, exhibitors shall not sell or provide merchandise, souvenirs, or any kind of products under organizer’s name.
*Exhibitors’ display range is limited to their assigned booth, exhibitors shall not utilize any public spaces, such as public facilities, walkways or pillars, to display or put on any promotional materials, such as catalogs, publications, souvenirs, and so on. If there’s any violation, the organizer reserves the right to remove the exhibits or objects. The exhibition will be held in accordance with the general rules regulated by Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA.)
※The exhibition area planning will be flexibly adjusted according to the registration status.
※For natural disasters, please refer to the Taipei City Government announcement.
New Asian Artist Platform
The International Teddy & Friends Show has become the Worlds largest international exhibition of professional Teddy Bear and Animals artists in Chinese speaking countries. It has helped, through teddy bear workshops, lectures, to promote the awareness of the teddy bear world. Through this, today, we have many outstanding , award winning, local artists.
在未來展望上,台灣泰迪熊協會提出以聯合共想、群體共製、 綻放共好、記憶共感為未來工作核心,也做為全新策展宣言,帶動國內泰迪熊藝術家 跨文化的升級契機,進而培育手工製泰迪熊藝術家創作環境。
International Teddy & Friends Show
Taiwan Teddy Bear Association, will continue with its promoting and development of offering hand sewn workshops. International artists will be invited to teach and share their knowledge of bear/animal construction.